Takrud Thawiphob

Takrud Thawiphob

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(successful beyond reach, fulfilled in my mind)
Luang Phor Sayakwan

bright in both worlds, successful in both the dark and bright sides, fulfilled now, fulfilled long into the future.

Blessing of Luang Pu Sayakwan Phra Chaya Inta Wang So, famous for the Burmese recipe master of the red medicine line.

Takrud Thawiphob, engraved this takrut with the divine birth talisman, consecrated with 16 prayers, with the world of angels, consecrated in 2 worlds.

This takrud is difficult to make and difficult to conjure. In one lifetime , You can only do it once. Because of its wonderfulness, both the heavens and the Brahma must join together to provide assistance.

Benefits of this takrut
1. To be successful in whatever your wish for
2. Not to be stressed in what ever challenges
3. Smooth days ahead without struggles
4. For mental and inner peace
5. To be fortunate, booming and fruitful
6. To be prosperous and be rewarded with only good & positive things

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