Blessed Luang pho Phet Tisarano
Wat Ban rai, Sa kaeo province
This is a takrut for couples in any relationship.
This is for your partner (bf/gf/wife/hb) to listen to you, and never stray from you. It attracts them back, maintain that steadfast love they have for you and only you.
To bond the strongest deep of love. Even if it is once lost, it will now come back.
Lack of intimacy? This amulet spices up your game, how hot or spicy you want, just like how it began in the past, no more excuses, no more stress, no more “I am tired, another day”.
Regain that intimacy, and bring back the burning desire today.
Attract your partner to feel like he first laid his eyes on you. Only you and no one else.
If you are struggling with arguments, negativity, or toxicity – this amulet will turn all of it into attraction, kindness, and support
Say no to negativity, say no to xiao san, say no to excuses. Only love each other today onwards.